Welcome to Southend High School for Boys, whether you are a current student or are new to this outstanding Academy.

Applications to join the Sixth Form at Southend High School for Boys are welcomed, from girls and boys, during the Autumn Term 2023 for entry 2024.  Our open evening is on Thursday 7th November 2024; classrooms will be open between 17:30 and 19:30 pm.   There will be talks from the Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form in the Main Hall at 17:15, 18:15 and 19:30.  If you have any specific questions, please do email us on enquiries@shsb.org.uk

Please click here to read our Sixth Form Prospectus for entry 2024. Our Prospectus for entry 2025 will be published during the Autumn Term 2024.

Sixth Form Applications for entry 2025 will open in October 2024. Internal candidates will receive a letter from the school with instructions on how to apply. 

Please note applications for entry 2025 will close on Monday 2nd December 2024. 

We will require from you information on your likely progress and your predicted grades.  If you are predicted an appropriate level of achievement at GCSE, and there is space in the subjects you wish to study, we will normally offer you a place.  Please note that once your application is submitted, your school will be contacted to request confirmation of your predicted grades. 

The number of places offered to students from outside the school will depend upon the number of our own Year 11 students who achieve the Sixth Form course entry requirements below.  

Minimum entry criteria to the Sixth Form are as follows:

  • Applicants will need to accrue at least 52 points from their 8 best GCSE grades (where numerical grades are scored at face value).  Grades below 6 do not contribute to this points score.  Short course GCSEs may be included within this calculation.
  • Applicants must achieve at least GCSE Grade 5 in English and Mathematics.
  • Applicants must achieve at least GCSE Grade 6 in subjects to be taken at AS Level (or, in the case of new subjects, in related subject areas).

Please note:

  • GCSE Grade 7 is a course-entry requirement for A-level Mathematics
  • Results from qualifications other than GCSEs (e.g. BTEC) are not accepted when calculating 'points' for admission

Preference will be given to Looked After Children or Previously Looked After Children (see Note B in our admissions criteria 2025) who have obtained the minimum entry criteria of 52 points.

Should there be more candidates of the required level than places in a subject, selection will be based on rank ordering of predicted GCSE points scores and the combination of subjects a student wishes to study.

Conditional offers to external applicants will be made on the basis of predicted performance at GCSE.  Any offers made during Year 11 are conditional on pupils meeting the grade criteria specified and will only be confirmed upon receipt of GCSE results. 

Where applicants do not have a conditional offer, they may ask to be considered on the grades achieved on GCSE ‘results day’ in August to fill vacancies created by those who do not meet the required entry criteria.  In this event, applicants should bring evidence of their results to the school on ‘results day’.

Please take time to watch the films which follow and read further information in the drop-down boxes below.

An introduction to the Sixth Form from Dr Bevan, Headteacher:


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Please watch our videos about the school:

Video 1:

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Video 2:


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We are very proud of our mixed Sixth Form and its students. When you join the Sixth Form you will be working with experienced staff who are experts at delivering their subjects to Sixth Form students. You will become part of a thriving community and will have an excellent opportunity to develop learning skills, academic knowledge, personal responsibility and leadership experience in an outstanding environment. 

You are now at the point of choosing what to do and where to go beyond Year 11. Making decisions about the next stage of your education is both exciting and challenging. Exciting because you can now focus on the areas of study which you are most passionate about, which will lead to success and enjoyment. Challenging, because you need to make an informed decision, which might play a significant part in your career plans for the future.

As an Academy we have taken care to provide a broad curriculum offer, working in partnership with local schools where appropriate. We aim to make learning interesting, inspiring and enjoyable. The curriculum structure of our post-16 courses means you can take a broad range of courses and gain nationally recognised qualifications at the end of both Year 12 and Year 13. Some subjects will be entirely new to you; others may offer progression from your current GCSEs.

Some of you will choose subjects at AS Level that you have not studied before. It is particularly important in these subjects that you read about the subject and find out all you can to confirm your interest in taking lessons in the subject every day in Year 12. You will be expected to choose four A levels to study and these can be complemented with other qualifications such as the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).

Please click here to read our Sixth Form Prospectus for entry 2024. Our Prospectus for entry 2025 will be published during the Autumn Term 2024.



In addition to studying A Levels you have the opportunity to undertake various enrichment opportunities. These include voluntary work within the school and local community, leadership programmes and workshops, attendance at university lectures, running subject specific societies/ charity committee, online learning to gain university standard modules and work placements (this includes work experience abroad; for example, medical placements in India).

Study Time

Becoming an independent learner is key to academic success in the Sixth Form. The expectation is that you will research and read additional material in order to enhance your learning in lessons. We will support you by providing guidance through study skills sessions as well as allocate you designated quiet study time.

Application procedures for new applicants - Entry September 2024

Applications to join the Sixth Form at Southend High School for Boys are welcomed, from girls and boys, during the Autumn Term 2024.  If you wish to apply, please complete the application form on the link at the top of this page. Applications will close on Monday 2nd December 2024. We will require from you information on your likely progress and your predicted grades.  If you are predicted an appropriate level of achievement at GCSE, and there is space in the subjects you wish to study, we will normally offer you a place.  Please note that once your application is submitted, we will contact your school to request confirmation of your predicted grades. 

We welcome prospective applicants to visit the school each year.  This year, our open evening is on Thursday 7th November 2024; classrooms will be open between 17:30 and 19:30 pm.   There will be talks from the Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form in the Main Hall at 17:15, 18:15 and 19:30.  If you have any specific questions, please do email us on enquiries@shsb.org.uk

SHSB Year 11 Entry 

Members of our own Year 11 who wish to continue into the Sixth Form will receive advice from tutors, careers staff and their Year Leader during the year, as well as hearing talks by subject teachers. You will be asked for your A Level subject preferences during the Autumn Term.

Induction for external applicants offered a place for Entry September 2025

Induction day for external applicants is on Thursday 3rd July 2025. Students will not be required to wear school uniform on this day, however we do ask that you wear smart professional clothing (no jeans, leggings or jogging bottoms). 

Please come to the main school entrance at 8.15am, where you will be met and taken to the Hall for a short briefing before sample lessons begin.  Sample lessons will continue until lunchtime at 1.00 pm when there will be an opportunity to visit stalls from current clubs and societies and socialise with other students who will also be starting in September. You are welcome to bring a packed lunch or will be able to buy lunch from the Sixth Form canteen.  

Students attending the AS PE lessons should note that they will need to bring the following sport clothing: White/black sports top, black shorts/leggings trainer socks, trainers.

After lunch, at 1.30 pm, students will be free to leave; for all those choosing Further Mathematics as an AS Level, there will be an aptitude test at 2.30 pm for one hour.  A separate letter detailing the arrangements will be sent to those concerned.

Getting it right – take time to research

If you are thinking of joining the Sixth Form you should use all possible means to ensure that you choose the right courses and know just what you are taking on. You should look not only at books, pamphlets and computer programmes, but talk to staff, both here in Southend High School for Boys and, in the case of newcomers, in your own schools as well. Above all, study the Sixth Form Prospectus carefully.

Sixth Form Prospectus (click here)

Examine the content and requirements of the subjects, then follow up your reading by discussions with subject teachers, tutors and, where possible, sixth-formers themselves. The more research you do, the clearer your way ahead becomes and the more likely it is that your Sixth-Form career will be a successful one.

Choosing your subjects and admission criteria

These are the subjects the school is offering at GCE AS and A Level during 2024-2026:

  • Art & Design
  • Biology
  • Business 
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Design & Technology (Product Design)
  • Drama & Theatre Studies
  • Economics
  • English Language & Literature
  • English Literature
  • French
  • Geography
  • German
  • History
  • Mathematics 
  • Further Mathematics
  • Music
  • Music Technology
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Spanish

Please note: it is not possible to guarantee that a particular subject will run. Occasionally, through lack of demand or staffing difficulties, we are obliged to cancel a subject in a particular year. If this proves likely for next year, students affected will be informed at the earliest opportunity.

The choice of A Level subjects is a personal one and should be based on

  • your likely ability to succeed in the subject;
  • your interest in the subject content;
  • the demands of an intended career or degree course.

You must choose four A Levels. At the end of Year 12, you may drop one of the four subjects you have chosen but you do not have to.

If you choose Further Mathematics and Mathematics as two of your four A Levels, you may choose an additional fifth subject if you wish. All Further Mathematics students may also reduce the number of subjects you study, at the end of Year 12 to three or four choices; but if you opt to continue Further Mathematics into Year 13, you must also continue with Mathematics and two other subjects.

GCSE Grades – minimum criteria for entry to the Sixth Form

Minimum entry criteria to the Sixth Form are as follows:

  • Applicants will need to accrue at least 52 points from their 8 best GCSE grades (where numerical grades are scored at face value).  Grades below 6 do not contribute to this points score.  Short course GCSEs may be included within this calculation.
  • Applicants must achieve at least GCSE Grade 5 in English and Mathematics.
  • Applicants must achieve at least GCSE Grade 6 in subjects to be taken at AS Level (or, in the case of new subjects, in related subject areas).

Please note results from qualifications other than GCSEs (e.g. BTEC) are not accepted when calculating 'points' for admission.

Preference will be given to looked after children or previously looked after children (see admissions criteria Note B) who have obtained the minimum entry criteria of 52 points.  Should there be more candidates of the required level than places in a subject, selection will be based on rank ordering of predicted GCSE points scores and the combination of subjects a student wishes to study.

Students should only consider joining the Sixth Form at SHSB if they are likely to cope with the rigorous demands involved. Past experience has taught us that students who fall below these entry thresholds rarely thrive in such an academically challenging environment. SHSB is a grammar school with a traditional curriculum, and our rigorous approaches to teaching and learning are geared towards preparing students for entry into higher education.

For similar reasons, applicants should be aware of the requirement for continuation from Year 12 to Year 13 (see below).

New subjects at this level

Some subjects at this level will be new to most students. Anyone wishing to select one of these subjects will be expected to achieve Grade 6 or above in a closely related area at GCSE, e.g. English (for Drama & Theatre Studies / Politics), Music (for Music Technology) or Mathematics (for Computer Studies / Psychology).

Less academic students must not choose new subjects on the grounds that these are something they have 'not yet failed at'! If you have difficulty choosing at least two of your four subjects from among those you already study, this may be a sign that A Level at SHSB is not the best choice for you. You should then be prepared to look elsewhere and enrol for a more vocational course of study.

Students must demonstrate a consistently high level of commitment to each of their courses throughout the Sixth Form. Only the Sixth Form Year Leaders may give permission to drop any subject, and the request may be refused. Experience has shown that little or no improvement comes to those who drop a subject; it is more likely that they would have been better fitted to a different type of course.

Minimum Requirements for Course Continuation

Admission to the Sixth Form is for two years of study.  However, students must achieve at least AS Grade D in any subject they wish to pursue to full A Level.  Students are expected to study three subjects to A Level, with many continuing with four.  Students who do not secure the required Grade Ds, who wish to remain full-time at the school, will be offered the option to complete their timetable with other courses that the school already provides, subject to timetable and availability. 

The Induction Course

Every effort should be made to find out as much as possible about each subject before entering Year 12, in order to avoid the need to make changes. There will be an Induction Day on Thursday 3rd July 2025. Attendance at the Induction Course is compulsory for all those wishing to join the Sixth Form.

When a Subject is Full

If any subject teaching group is full, it will not be possible to join it after the start of Year 12 unless a place becomes vacant. Therefore it is important to be sure of your choice of subjects as early as possible.

Certain subjects fill all their places more quickly than others, but those applying early can be relatively confident that places will be available. On the other hand, if you delay your application you may find yourself placed on a waiting list.

A careful decision

The move into the Sixth Form is a decision that needs to be taken very carefully, after a lot of thought and discussion. If you wish to study A Levels at SHSB you should find out as much detail as possible about the nature of your specific subject courses, the life of a Sixth-Former and the school's expectations of you.