The school has a process for filling vacancies which may arise during Years 8-11 (and after 31st December of Year 7).   Please refer to the In-Year Admissions Procedure published below.

Those parents who wish their child to be considered for entry should complete and return an In-Year Application Form, which can also be found below, to  

Dates for testing in the academic year 2023-24:

(The deadline for submission of completed forms is two school weeks prior to the date of testing.)

Years 8, 9, 10 and 11: Monday 16th October 2023 ; Wednesday 17th April 2024 

Year 7: Monday 22nd January 2024; Wednesday 3rd July 2024 (the deadline for this testing date has now passed)

Dates for testing in the academic year 2024-25:

(The deadline for submission of completed forms is two school weeks prior to the date of testing.)

Years 8, 9, 10 and 11: Monday 14th October 2024 ; Thursday 24th April 2025 (note: deadline for submission for this test date is 27th March 2025)

Year 7: Wednesday 22nd January 2025; Wednesday 2nd July 2025